Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Day After the Fourth

Last evening we loaded up Hoochy and went to town. We decided to eat at the local JACK'S. We sat at the table for a while and decided to get a milk shake. After discussing whether to get one of each choices or just 3 chocolates, we decided on the 3 chocolates. After spooning down our shakes, we decided to leave as it was starting to get pretty crowded. We went to the car and unloaded the chairs and went out on the green area in the parking lot and enjoyed each others company.

We brought 3 fold out chairs but one had disintegrated so our son ended up setting on the ground for a while.

There where people everywhere. Folks setting around us were setting in chairs or on quilts and blankets. One little girl brought her pink bean bag to set on. Some brought their on food from home as a picnic, but most went into Jack's to load up on fast food like we did. By the time it started at 9:00 (we left the house at 6:30) People were parked in the field, at the funeral home, at the put put golf, at the high school, at the Kmart and every other empty place for a good mile stretch.

We lucked out too! Where we were setting you could actually see the fireworks coming up from the ground. I mean it felt like the rockets were coming toward us almost like 3-D. It was really COOL...

I could kick myself, I had planned to bring my camera to show all, but I forgot!!!

It lasted a total of 17 minutes.......But it was worth it, we were there as a family surrounded by families. It was really nice.

It took awhile to get out of the traffic. People,People,People....

After leaving there we went to the grocery store for a few things. As I went through the doors, I asked 2 guys when they closed, he looked at the clock and said 10 minutes. WHEW!!! We were on the run, LOL.

By the time we got out one of the guys had to manually open the doors to let us out. I made the comment about being locked in and he laughed and said I was free to go.

After making it home, put up the groceries, my son set up the XBOX 360 and the three of us played with people from all over the world. It was a very cool day.

Got up to rain this morning, of which I needed very much for the garden and yard. Walked around to see if anything new was going on and picked some zucchinis, an eggplant, some green beans and cucumbers. Checked on the chickens and rabbit and came back in and whipped up a cherry cobbler for supper.

I decided on Beer Bratworst to be grilled and made into hotdogs, some fries along with pinto beans.

Sliced onion, fresh yellow tomatoes and radishes from the garden, along with some sliced cucumbers that had been salted and peppered with vinegar and water. I am a vegiterian but I do eat cold water sea food occacionlly.

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